Monday, September 8, 2014

We took that as a NO

This will be quick cause this internet might fall again. 
Sunday school:
So it was the best one I have been in but I can't tell what the message was about.  It was the best because I was kicking it in the back with a ruppa; like the ruppa of ruppas.  We were just kicking it old school. Classic times for sure. 
Less Actives:
So we went to visit this less active, she was leaving her house and clearly saw us and decided to hop in her little blue bug and speed off:  so we took that as a no. Then we went out to the goma to visit this lady and she was walking in front of us.  We called out her name and when she saw us she yelled "I don't want you to come to my house."  So there's that:  love in the sun in Mexico eh. 
So usually in Mexico in whatever part you go you will see dogs.  Heck I walk to the house of prayer here which is like a 5 min walk and I see like 10 dogs.  So it's a normal thing and I love it; and you will see chickens just roaming around without the slightest clue:  they are just loooking to eat. Anyway, my point is these are the normal things we see.  So the other day when I saw a pig cruising around in this little pueblo I was dying. Just real random and real chill this pig.

Anyway, sorry it was short. Keep it real. DEUCES

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